
New list of Strategic Products for the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)

On December 31, 2014, the Ministry of Health (MoH) issued the Annual List of Strategic Products for SUS (Ordinance No. 2.888), presenting the products that are eligible for being subject to public-private partnerships for the productive development (PDP).The PDPs result from the Federal Government’s effort to establish a pharmaceutical technology transfer program, seeking to decrease the high amounts of money spent for purchasing medicines to supply SUS beneficiaries. These partnerships are signed upon the needs of the public health system and according to the demands annually announced by the MoH.The new list has 11 drugs, from which five are biological drugs (see chart).It is worth mentioning that five drugs are back to the list, since they were subject to previous PDPs terminated by the MoH in the end of 2014. Given the high number of PDP proposals returned to the Brazilian Public Institutions by the MoH, to comply with the new PDP guidelines, it will not be a surprise if a new and larger list of products is issued during the year. New opportunities may arise.If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us at prevail@lickslegal.com.