
Página de covid

Import authorization simplified for Covid-19-related health products

‍ On March 29th, President Jair Bolsonaro signed into law Bill H.R. #864, of 2020. Effective immediately, Law #14.006, of May 28th, 2020 simplifies the COVID-19 exceptional import regime for health products without register in the Brazilian Food and Drug Agency (ANVISA). The new Law revokes the need for a normative act issued by the […]

BRPTO’s deadlines to be resumed on June 1st, 2020

(BRPTO’s Gazette of May 26th, 2020) The BRPTO published on May 26th, 2020 in its Official Gazette #2577, an Official Notice informing the end of the suspension of its deadlines due to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). Deadlines will be resumed on June 1st, 2020. As informed in our client alerts from March 19th, April 14th, […]

Brazil submits application to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement

The country is the first in Latin America to submit its application to join the pact Brazil submitted a formal application for accession to the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). The country’s statement (1) was published by the WTO on May 19th. Brazil was granted observer status by GPA parties in October 2017 […]

BRPTO’s deadlines suspended until May 31st, 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak

(BRPTO’s Gazette of May 12th, 2020) The BRPTO published on May 12th, 2020 in its Official Gazette #2575, Ordinance #179/2020, extending the suspension of BRPTO’s deadlines until May 31st, 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). As mentioned in our client alerts from March 19th, 2020, April 14th, 2020 and from April 28th, 2020, related […]

Covid-19: Brazil’s Telemedicine Act (Law #13,989/2020) and CFM’s Digital Platform

Special regulation in force during Covid-19 public health emergency Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the regulatory process of telemedicine in Brazil. On Monday, March 31st, Brazilian National Congress approved Bill #696/2020 that allows the use of telemedicine during the coronavirus’ public health emergency declaration and sent it to presidential sanction. President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the Telemedicine […]

Brazilian government updates list of essential activities during the pandemic

Ordinance #10,329/2020 published yesterday by the executive branch updated the list of essential activities established by Ordinance #10,282/2020, dated March 20th, 2020. Essential activities under the definition of Law #13,979/2020 are those that correspond to urgent collective needs, comprising the survival, health and safety of citizens. See below the main updates introduced by the new […]

BRPTO’s deadlines suspended until May 15th, 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak.

(BRPTO’s Gazette on April 28th, 2020). The BRPTO published on April 28th, 2020 in its Official Gazette #2573, Ordinance #166/2020, postponing the suspension of all BRPTO’s deadlines until May 15th, 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). As mentioned in our client alerts from March 19th, 2020 and April 14th, 2020 Ordinance #120/2020 and Ordinance […]

BRPTO’s deadlines suspended until April 30th, 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak

(BRPTO’s Gazette of April 14th, 2020) The BRPTO published on April 14th, 2020 in its Official Gazette #2571, Ordinance #161/2020, postponing the suspension of all BRPTO’s deadlines until April 30th, 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). As mentioned in our client alert from March 19th, 2020, Ordinance #120/2020 issued on March 17th, 2020, suspended […]

BRPTO announces fast-track examination to technologies related to Covid-19

The BRPTO published, in its Official gazette #2570 of today, April 7, 2020, Ordinance #149/2020 (in force from today), which amends Rule #239/2019 to allow for fast-track examination of patent applications related to pharmaceutical products and processes, as well as medical devices and/or materials used for the diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19. Rule #239/2019 […]