
Firm News

Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys, will participate in a panel discussion at International Women’s Leadership Forum

Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys, will participate in a panel discussion entitled “Strategies for IP Litigation” during the International Women’s Leadership Forum held London, UK, on February 24, 2015.Additional information at: http://www.managingip.com/stub.aspx?stubid=28136

Eduardo Hallak will take part in the panel discussion at the 77th Meeting of EMERJ’s Pemanent Forum on Corporate Law

Eduardo Hallak, partner at Licks Attorneys, will take part in the panel discussion at the 77th Meeting of the Pemanent Forum on Corporate Law, entitled “Trademarks, Consumer and Association”.The event, promoted by EMERJ, will be held at the lecture hall Desembargador Joaquim Antônio Vizeu Penalva Santos on March 11, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 12 […]


We are pleased to introduce “Prevail”, Licks Attorneys monthly newsletter. This is a collaborative effort from our team to provide significant news and information on leading cases in our main practice areas: litigation, prosecution and counseling on Intellectual Property, Food & Drug and Antitrust Law.We are proud of the quality of our specialized practice and […]

Ricardo Nunes and Roberto Rodrigues to attend event at George Mason University School of Law

Ricardo Nunes, partner at Licks Attorneys, and Roberto Rodrigues, associate at Licks Attorneys will attend the CPIP 2015 Fall Conference entitled “The IP Platform: Supporting Invention & Inspiration”.The 2015 edition of the event, hosted by the George Mason University School of Law, will discuss Intellectual Property Law in the Biotech & Pharmaceutical industries, innovation in […]

Otto Licks will speak at the Naples Midwinter Patent Law Experts Conference

Otto Licks, partner at Licks Attorneys, will speak at the Naples Midwinter Patent Law Experts Conference, which takes place in Florida, USA, 9-10 February, 2015. He will speak on International Comparative Expertise, along with renowned names of the patent area worldwide.Additional information can be found at http://www.uakron.edu/law/ip/naples-midwinter.dot

Louis Lozouet, associate at Licks Attorneys, will attend the 20ème Forum Européen de la Propriété Intellectuelle

Louis Lozouet, associate at Licks Attorneys, will attend the 20ème Forum Européen de la Propriété Intellectuelle, promoted by Union des Fabricants, on February 5-6, 2015 at Les Yachts de Paris.The main subject discussed at the event will be: “Intellectual Property: an essential investment for growth?”Additional information at: http://www.unifab.com/images/FEPI_Programme_2015_45.pdf

Licks Attorneys is ranked at WTR 1000 2015

The World Trademark Review has published in January the latest edition of the WTR 1000. The British publication presents a ranking of individual practitioners, law firms and trademark attorney practices based on positive feedback from the market.Licks Attorneys has been recently ranked among the best Brazilian trademark teams of 2014, being described as a law […]

Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys, will moderate a panel discussion

Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys, will moderate the 5th panel discussion entitled “Innovation and Development” during the 4th Intellectual Property Seminar held at Universidade Candido Mendes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on November 28, 2014.Additional information at:http://www.ucam.edu.br/images/PDFs/Agenda/CARTAZ_MEDI_SeminarioPropriedadeIntelectual.pdf

Ricardo Nunes joins Licks Attorneys

We are pleased to announce that Ricardo Nunes has joined the firm as a Partner, further expanding our expertise and strengths in complex litigation. A bright young talent with a successful track record, he initiated his career with our partners, and has been working for nearly a decade with IP litigation and regulatory law.Mr. Nunes […]

André Venturini will speak at The Oil and Gas IP Summit North America

André Venturini, Head of Patent Prosecution at Licks Attorneys, will speak at The Oil and Gas IP Summit North America, which takes place in Calgary, Canada, from 17 to 19 November, 2014. Attended by the largest companies in the sector, the event will discuss issues of intellectual property rights related to the oil and gas […]

Licks Attorneys attend the Asian Patent Attorneys Association 63rd Council Meeting event in Malaysia

Otto Licks, partner, and Roberto Carapeto, associate at Licks Attorneys, will represent the firm at the APAA – Asian Patent Attorneys Association 63rd Council Meeting. The event that takes place in Penang, Malaysia from 8 to 11 November 2014 will be attended by highly reputed Asian attorneys.Additional information at http://apaa2014.com.

Licks Attorneys attend the LES Asia-Pacific Regional Conference event in South Korea

Otto Licks, partner, and Roberto Carapeto, associate at Licks Attorneys, attend the 5th LES Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2014. The event that takes place in Seoul, Korea, from 5 to 6 November 2014, is a rare opportunity to discuss IP transactions with top Asia-Pacific IP professionals.Additional information at http://www.lesap2014.org

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