Vivian Coco, Head of Legal Marketing, and Bruna De Regina DeRegina, Communications Manager, were invited by Jennifer Carr to participate in the article “Opportunity in Crisis: Innovative Ways Law Firms Are Stepping Up Client Relationships.” The article informs legal marketing professionals about what law firms have done to educate their clients and build relationships during the pandemic. Click here to read the full article
Vivian Coco, head de marketing jurídico, e Bruna DeRegina, gerente de comunicação, foram convidadas por Jennifer Carr para participar do artigo “Opportunity in Crisis: Innovative Ways Law Firms Are Stepping Up Client Relationships”. O texto aborda profissionais do setor marketing jurídico sobre o que escritórios de advocacias fizeram para continuar a informar seus clientes e construir relacionamentos em tempo de pandemia. Leia o artigo completo em inglês: