Our partners Carlos Aboim and Rodolfo Barreto were mentioned in the post “Burgeoning IP and antitrust jurisdiction: Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice allowed Ericsson to enforce preliminary injunction against Apple over FRAND-pledged standard-essential patent”, published in the Foss Patents blog. The publication highlights the decision of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice in the Ericsson v. Apple case, which enabled a global agreement between the two companies. “In a major win for Ericsson’s counsel, Licks Attorneys’ Rodolfo Barreto and founding partner (who once worked as a full-time intern for the Federal Circuit’s famous former Chief Judge Rader) Carlos Aboim, the enforcement of a temporarily-stayed SEP-based PI against Apple was allowed.” Read more at: http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/01/burgeoning-ip-and-antitrust.html
Nossos sócios Carlos Aboim e Rodolfo Barreto foram citados no texto “Burgeoning IP and antitrust jurisdiction: Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice allowed Ericsson to enforce preliminary injunction against Apple over FRAND-pledged standard-essential patent”, publicado no site Foss Patents. A publicação destaca a decisão do STJ no caso Ericsson v. Apple, que antecedeu um acordo global entre as duas empresas. “Em uma grande vitória para os advogados da Ericsson, Rodolfo Barreto, do Licks Attorneys, e o sócio fundador Carlos Aboim, foi permitida a implementação de uma tutela liminar contra a Apple baseada em patentes essenciais”. Leia mais em: http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/01/burgeoning-ip-and-antitrust.html