Otavio Beaklini
Otavio Beaklini
Patent Head
+55 21 2391 8843
+55 21 99808 9172
Professor Otavio Beaklini is a Patent Expert at the Rio de Janeiro office of Licks Attorneys. Prof. Beaklini teaches a course on Intellectual Property at UFF, one of the largest Federal Public Universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, where he has lectured since 1983.
Prof. Beaklini has been at the forefront of the Brazilian Intellectual Property field for over 30 years and has built an impressive career at the BRPTO.
During his tenure at the BRPTO, Prof. Beaklini served as Acting President, Commissioner of Patents and Head of the Civil Engineering Art Group. He has also served as a special assistant to other Presidents. He is renowned for his patent prosecution skills and expertise.
Prof. Beaklini was a member of several Brazilian delegations to the WIPO. He was an active member of the working group responsible for the regulation and examining guidelines for the current Brazilian Patent Statute (Law 9,279/96).
In addition, he is a certified specialist in Intellectual Property from the WIPO and the United Nations Development Programme (PNUD).
Prof. Beaklini is a feature speaker and author in the patent field in Brazil.