
Regis Arslanian

Regis Arslanian



+55 21 3550 3797

+55 21 98266 1606

Brazilian Ambassador Regis Arslanian became Partner in May 2017, appointed to chair Licks Attorneys’ government relations, regulatory affairs and international policy group. He was previously Advisor at our Firm since 2014.

He develops interfaces with major stakeholders in the Brazilian administration while providing consulting, assistance and strategic advice for the preparation of meetings, negotiations and relevant followup with decision makers in both public and private sectors.

Mr. Arslanian was a career diplomat at the Brazilian Foreign Office for 36 years until 2012, and was posted at the Brazilian Embassies in Germany, Venezuela, and the United Nations in New York.

He was also Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) at the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, DC, and Ambassador to Mercosur (Southern Cone Common Market) and LAIA (Latin American Integration Association) in Uruguay.

While posted at headquarters in Brasilia, Mr. Arslanian was in charge of foreign trade as the Head of Trade Policy and Chief Trade Negotiator of Brazil in two different moments, including the World Trade Organization (WTO), and as Director General for Multilateral, Regional and Bilateral Trade Negotiations.

  • Portuguese
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
Practice Areas
  • Corporate & Transactions
  • Counseling and Transactional
  • Government Affairs & International Relations
Representative Cases
  • From 1994 to 1996, within the Brazilian Government and before the Congress, Mr. Arslanian was the main negotiator of the approval process of the Brazilian IP Statute, which finally acknowledged pharmaceutical patents in Brazil;
  • Mr. Arslanian was Chief Trade Negotiator of Brazil for the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mercosur and the European Union;
  • Those negotiations included market access on agricultural and industrial goods, government procurement, rules of origin, services, investments, intellectual property, safeguards and dispute settlement;
  • In addition, he was the Chief Trade Negotiator of Brazil during the following trade negotiations: - Preferential Tariff Agreement Mercosur-South African Common Market’s Union (SACU); - FTA negotiations between Mercosur and the Gulf Cooperation Council; - Tariff Preferential Agreement between Mercosur and India; - FTA negotiations between Mercosur and Israel, as well as market access trade consultations with the United States and Canada.
Professional Highlights
  • LeadersLeague - Patent Litigation (2022);
  • Member of the Board of Examiners of the Course of Higher Studies of Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Instituto Rio Branco, in charge of examining candidates for promotion to the higher levels of the diplomatic career , 2008-2009;
  • Chairman of the Permanent Representative’s Committee of the Latin American Trade Association, 2009;
  • Rapporteur of more than 20 doctoral thesis of the Course of Higher Studies of the Instituto Rio Branco (Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Diplomatic Academy), 2001-2009;
  • Represented Brazil at the United Nations in the Second Commission and at the UN Iraq Sanctions Committee of the Security Council, while posted as Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations, in New York, 1990-1994;
  • Order of Merit “Orde Van Oranje-Nassau” (Order of Orange-Nassau), Rank of Commander (Netherlands);
  • Order of Merit “Bundesverdienstkreuz”, Rank of Officer (Federal Republic of Germany).
  • Ordem do Mérito Aeronáutico, Rank of Grand Officer (Brazilian Air Force);
  • Ordem do Mérito Aeronáutico, Rank of Commander (Brazilian Air Force);
  • Medalha do Mérito Santos Dumont (Brazilian Air Force);
  • Medalha do Pacificador Duque de Caxias (Brazilian Army);
  • Mérito Militar, Rank of Officer (Brazilian Army);
  • Mérito Tamandaré (Brazilian Navy);
  • Ordem de Rio Branco, Rank of Grand Officer (Ministry of Foreign Affairs);
  • Medalha do Mérito Farroupilha (Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul).
  • Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-RJ);
  • Senior Fellow of the Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI) – Rio de Janeiro;
  • Member of the Permanent Council of International Integration (COINTER) of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) of Brazil – Brasilia;
  • Member of the Board of Foreign Trade (COSCEX) of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) – Sao Paulo;
  • Member of the Superior Council of the Brazilian Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry (ABINEE) of Brazil – Sao Paulo;
  • Technical Counselor of the Association of Foreign Trade of Brazil (AEB) – Rio de Janeiro.
  • Lawyer by the University of the State of Guanabara (currently UERJ, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro), Rio de Janeiro, 1974;
  • Post Graduate in Diplomacy by the Instituto Rio Branco (Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Diplomatic Academy), 1975.
  • Book: “The use o Section 301 of the US Trade Law and it´s Enforcement on Brazil” (O Recurso à Seção 301 da Legislação de Comércio Norte-Americana e a Aplicação de seus Dispositivos contra o Brasil”), Instituto de Pesquisa de Relações Internacionais (IPRI), Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG), Brasília, February 1993. Revised in March, 1994;
  • Article: “North American Commercial Unilateralism (Unilateralismo comercial norteamericano)”, Foreign Policy (Brazil), Vol. 3, Nº 3, Editora Paz e Terra, 1994;
  • Article: “The Reform of the Brazilian Patent Law and US Preasure in the IP Area (A Reforma da Lei de Patentes no Brasil e as Pressões Norte-Americanas na Área de Propriedade Intelectual”, Foreign Policy (Brazil), Vol. IV, Nº 2, Sep, 1995;
  • Article: “Trade Negotiations of Brazil and Mercosur. Brazil and the new world Dis-order. (As negociações comerciais do Brasil e do Mercosur”. O Brasil e a nova - desordem mundial?). Rio de Janeiro, 2006 [XVIII Fórum Nacional].
  • Fórum Nacional, Instituto Nacional de Altos Estudos (INAE), 2006;
  • Article: “How about tomorrow? – (E o amanhã?)” O Globo Journal, Jul 3. 2012.
  • Article “Fixed Preference Trade Agreements. (Acordos Comerciais de Preferências Fixas)” Valor Economico Journal, Jun 19, 2013;
  • Article: “Enough of Strategic Patience. (Chega de Paciência Estratégica)” Foreign Policy (Brazil) Vol 1. N° 3 (Jan/Feb/Mar 2013);
  • Article: “Isolated from the Markets. (Isolado dos mercados)” O Globo Journal, Oct 20, 2015;
  • Article: “Brazil Post-Doha (O Brasil Pós-Doha)” Valor Economico Journal, Feb 24, 2016;
  • Keynote Speaker for several national and international conferences.