Otto Licks e Rob Rodrigues, sócios, e Ana Luíza Calil, advogada, publicaram o artigo “Em pedido ao STF, PGR mira Covid-19, mas acerta na economia nacional” no site JOTA. O texto aborda os problemas jurídicos, econômicos e regulatórios do último pedido da Procuradoria-Geral da República na Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 5529 – e como isso pode impactar mais de 25 mil patentes no país. O artigo pode ser acessado na íntegra:
Otto Licks and Rob Rodrigues, partners, and Ana Luíza Calil, Attorney at Law, with Licks Attorneys, had the article “At the request of the STF, PGR aims at Covid-19, but hits the national economy” published by Jota. Their piece addresses the legal, economic, and regulatory consequences of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 5529 launched by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) to suspend the operation of the Sole Paragraph of Article 40 of Brazil’s Industrial Property Law (LPI). The authors argue that this initiative could potentially impact more than 25 thousand patents in the country. The article can be accessed in full at