
Licks Attorneys innovates by teaming up with Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital and FIRJAN to ensure a safe environment for the return to on-site work

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Returning to on-site work after nearly two years in home office is an encouraging prospect. The endeavor demanded precautions and engagement from Licks Attorneys and all its members, given that the Covid-19 pandemic remains active and with the concerning omicron variant of coronavirus.


Firjan SESI

Licks Attorneys sought to assure a Covid-19 safe on-site environment by making unprecedented investments among Brazilian law firms: hiring the Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital, reference in healthcare and in the fight against Covid-19, and the Industry Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), specialized in occupational safety protocols and documentation in the context of the pandemic, as consultants of the project.

The mission to adapt the law firm started at the Rio de Janeiro office – which occupies an entire floor (3,870 sqm/41,660 sqf) in the Aqwa Corporate building, including dinning areas (restaurant, cafeteria, pantry, and coffee areas) and auditorium. The firm has already made investments of over BRL 1 million (USD 200K) to implement and exceed the established guidelines. Four months of work by an internal team dedicated to the project were required to obtain both certifications from Firjan and from the Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital:

The office was already improved in its preparation for safe return when we met for the first time,” says Dr. Mônica Gonçalves, Coordinator of Occupational Medicine at Firjan. Among these improvements there was the purchase of the most modern corporate health safety equipment, such as thermal cameras (which check temperature and the use of masks in several people simultaneously), and more than 40 air purifiers by the German brand Trox, with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) absolute filters, the same ones used in hospital “covid rooms” to block SarS-CoV-2, variants thereof and other viruses. In addition, UV lamps with germicidal action were installed in the air conditioning ducts, and hand sanitizer totems were placed all through the office facilities.

Cleber de Moraes Motta, project consultant physician of the Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital, explains that the protocols designed for Licks Attorneys went far beyond actions that have become part of everyday life, as they considered the Rio de Janeiro office’s infrastructure and the routine of the more than 200 members who work there, whose return is happening in three phases: 40% in November, 75% in December, and 100% in January.


Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital

Before getting to work, all members shall fill out daily the Health Checklist – a six-question form available on Licks Attorneys intranet – so as to track possible symptoms and hazards related to Covid-19. Anyone presenting symptoms of Covid-19 should undergo a PCR test on the third day of symptoms and cannot return to on-site work before having the negative result. Licks Attorneys systems control days off, scheduling exams and even the doors that grant access to the Rio de Janeiro office.

Upon arrival at the office, everyone receives a weekly personal protection kit, which includes isopropyl alcohol and a flannel for daily cleaning of equipment (keyboard, mouse, computers, telephones, headsets); 10 surgical masks per week, five of which are white to be used in the morning and five blue to be used in the afternoon; and hand sanitizer bottles for personal hygiene. There’s also a guide specifically designed for visitors.

Areas considered critical – such as food courts and restrooms – follow a strict usage protocol, with several cleaning steps throughout the day.

It was enriching for us to be with Licks Attorneys on this project. We saw the heavy investment that was made, not only financially, but also in behavior. I have no doubts that the office is very safe facing the scenario”, said Dr. Mônica Gonçalves when delivering Firjan’s Covid-19 Prevention Certification to Otto Licks, managing partner of the firm, on December 10th. Four days earlier, Licks Attorneys had received the Standard for Covid-19 Quality and Safety seal by Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital for having met and exceeded the consultancy’s requirements.

Both consultants praised Licks Attorneys’ initiative to create a portal to provide members with all information on the office return project. “Adopting the security measures was not enough, the legislation requires formal evidence that this had been done. Licks has developed a didactic portal with all the necessary information, a commendable initiative, which demonstrates responsibility for the health of its members”, says the Firjan representative.

The portal is at Licks Attorneys intranet, accessible to all members via computers and mobile devices, and is updated in real time. It provides information about the equipment installed in the office, members vaccination status, recorded incidents, and the Health Checklist, as well as all the communications already sent about the office return project.

Our project for returning to on-site work reflects our values, the importance of each of our members and their families, and the maturity and professionalism of our management, which was recognized by Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital and Firjan”, says Otto Licks. “The confidence that members of the firm have today in our ability to have a safe environment is the big difference. A very clear positive impact, where members, their families and customers have won. We are now extending the program to offices in São Paulo, Brasília, Curitiba and Tokyo.”