Hon. Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys and former Appellate Judge, is known by her colleagues as a mentor and role-model in the legal field. Her legal career spans over 20 years, and she is regularly invited to attend national and international events on Intellectual Property as a renowned speaker.On September 2, 2015, the ABAPI (Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents) paid tribute to her career achievements at the ceremony hall of the Federal Justice Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro. In her own words:
“Looking back, I see that I have already accomplished a lot, but I intend to proceed with more dedication and tenacity than ever.”
The presentation was in front of a roomful of members of the BAR, colleagues, friends and family, including an array of federal and state judges. At the end of the ceremony, she was awarded a plaque of recognition and appreciation for her contribution to the development of Intellectual Property Law in Brazil.Licks Attorneys is proud to have Liliane Roriz as a partner.Congratulations, Liliane!