
Brazilian government updates list of essential activities during the pandemic

Ordinance #10,329/2020 published yesterday by the executive branch updated the list of essential activities established by Ordinance #10,282/2020, dated March 20th, 2020. Essential activities under the definition of Law #13,979/2020 are those that correspond to urgent collective needs, comprising the survival, health and safety of citizens.

See below the main updates introduced by the new Ordinance.

Excluded from the list of essential activities:

  • intercity bus service and transportation by cab or app

Included on the list of essential activities:

  • goods and services including food, lodging, cleaning, hygiene, marketing, maintenance, vehicle repair, convenience stores, designed to ensure transport and logistic activities of all types of cargo and individuals on highways and roads;
  • activities of service and product development, included those performed through start-ups;
  • vehicle rentals;
  • chemical, petrochemistry industry of raw material or products of health, hygiene, food and beverages;
  • production processes that cannot be interrupted under the penalty of long-term damage to the facilities and equipment, such as the steelmaking process, and the aluminum, ceramic and glass production chains.
  • mining processing, production, marketing, disposal and supply of minerals goods.