
Year: 2023

Gislaine Zulli joins the Licks Attorneys life sciences group, coming from the Patent Office of the BRPTO

Licks Attorneys, a Brazilian law firm recognized for its litigation, counseling and prosecution practices in Patent Law, Drug Law, and other specialized fields, announced this week that Gislaine Zulli (gislaine.zulli@lickslegal.com), master by IPEN/USP in the field of Nuclear Technology/Applications, researching drug delivery systems has joined the firm. With a career developed in multinational industries and the public sector, the patent and industrial pharmacist expert brings a unique experience to the firm’s recognized multidisciplinary team.

Gislaine Zulli passa a integrar o grupo de life sciences do Licks Attorneys, vinda da Diretoria de Patentes do INPI

O Licks Attorneys, escritório de advocacia brasileiro com atuação consultiva, contenciosa e administrativa em Direito de Patentes, e outras áreas especializadas do Direito, anunciou nesta semana a contratação da farmacêutica industrial Gislaine Zulli (gislaine.zulli@lickslegal.com), mestre pelo IPEN/USP na área de Tecnologia Nuclear/Aplicações, pesquisando sistemas de liberação controlada (drug delivery systems). Com uma carreira desenvolvida em indústrias multinacionais e no setor público, ela traz uma experiência única para a reconhecida equipe multidisciplinar do Escritório.

Article published by IAM on Ericsson v. Apple in Brazil

Our partner Carlos Aboim was interviewed by IAM for the article “Ericsson-Apple settlement came hot on the heels of landmark Brazilian ruling”, which was published this Tuesday (January 17). The text emphasizes that the licensing agreement between Ericsson and Apple, considered “one of the most important IP events of 2022”, took place after a historic decision by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice in favor of Ericsson, represented by Licks Attorneys. According to the article, “affirming the right of SEP owners to an immediate preliminary injunction, the judgment reinforces Brazil’s growing attractiveness as a venue for global FRAND litigation. It may also have pushed the companies’ settlement over the line.”

Government appoints Júlio César Moreira as BRPTO’s acting president

The Brazilian Federal Government released this Tuesday (January 17) an ordinance appointing Júlio César Castelo Branco Reis Moreira to temporarily perform the duties of President of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO). The document, signed by Geraldo Alckmin – Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, and Vice-President of the Federative Republic of Brazil – is still to be published in the Federal Register.

1st Panel of the Federal Supreme Court decides Constitutional Complaint about patent term adjustment

The 1st Panel of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) concluded, on December 16, 2022, the judgment of Constitutional Complaint #56,378, in which it was decided that the granting of a preliminary injunction to temporarily guarantee the validity of patents for a term longer than 20 years from the filing date (art. 40 of the Patent Statute) violates the decision of the full Court on Constitutional Challenge #5,529. The panel’s decision not to endorse the preliminary injunction, which had been granted by Reporting Justice Luiz Fux, was given by a majority, with three opposing votes (divergent vote by Justice Dias Toffoli, accompanied by Justice Alexandre de Moraes and Justice Carmem Lucia) and with one Justice recusing himself (Justice Luis Roberto Barroso). Cases submitted to the STF, and other courts in Brazil, may be heard en banc or by smaller panels. The STF is formed by two panels of 5 Justices each, with its president voting only in cases heard en banc by all 11 Justices.