
Year: 2023

BRPTO invites public comments on proposed rulemaking on prosecution of design applicaions under the Hague Agreement

The BRPTO, through the Federal Register of April 11, 2023, invited public comments on the draft version of the normative act that will provide for the prosecution of industrial design applications under the Hague Agreement. Said invitation was also issued, on the same date, via the BRPTO’s Official gazette #2727.

The Brazilian Ministry of Health announces the reconstruction of the Executive Group of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex – GECEIS

On April 3rd, the Brazilian Ministry of Health held an event to announce the reconstruction of the Executive Group of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex – “GECEIS”, which will be coordinated by the Ministry of Health (“MS”) and the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (“MDIC”).

Ministry of Agriculture opens a public inquiry to regulate agricultural aviation in Brazil

On March 27, the Secretariat for Agricultural Defense of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (DAS/MAPA) published DAS’s Ordinance #766/2023 in the Federal Register. The ordinance submits to public inquiry a proposal related to Decree-Law #917/1969, which regulates the use of agricultural aviation in Brazil.

ANPD approves Regulation on Dosimetry and Application of Administrative Sanctions and may start applying penalties for non-compliance with the LGPD

On February 27, 2023, the National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) published its Regulation on Dosimetry and Application of Administrative Sanctions for noncompliance with the General Data Protection Act (“LGPD”). The purpose of the Regulation is to establish parameters and criteria for the application of administrative sanctions by the ANPD, as well as forms and dosimetry to calculate the base value of fines.

ANPD aprova o Regulamento de Dosimetria e Aplicação de Sanções Administrativas e pode começar a aplicar penalidades pelo descumprimento da LGPD

No dia 27 de fevereiro de 2023, a Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (“ANPD”) publicou o Regulamento de Dosimetria e Aplicação de Sanções Administrativas da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (“LGPD”). O Regulamento tem por objetivo estabelecer parâmetros e critérios para aplicação de sanções administrativas pela ANPD, bem como as formas e dosimetrias para calcular o valor-base das sanções de multa.