
Year: 2020

Compras públicas e Compliance em tempos de pandemia

Author Com o acelerado avanço da pandemia do coronavírus, diferentes entidades governamentais e instituições privadas iniciaram verdadeira corrida para adquirir medicamentos e equipamentos necessários ao enfrentamento da doença. A junção desses fatores gerou um cenário de escassez, qualificado pela impossibilidade de diferir a compra dos insumos necessários à preservação da vida. A sócia Viviane Kunisawa […]

BRPTO’s deadlines suspended until May 31st, 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak

(BRPTO’s Gazette of May 12th, 2020) The BRPTO published on May 12th, 2020 in its Official Gazette #2575, Ordinance #179/2020, extending the suspension of BRPTO’s deadlines until May 31st, 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). As mentioned in our client alerts from March 19th, 2020, April 14th, 2020 and from April 28th, 2020, related […]

Singaporean Patent Office joins PPH program with the BRPTO

BRPTO’s website notification The BRPTO’s new PPH Pilot program issued under Rule #252/2019, is still receiving new participating Patent Offices. On May 1st, 2020 the BRPTO notified the Brazilian patent system users via its website that the Singaporean Patent Office (IPOS) joined the program. Up to this date, the following Offices have been confirmed in […]

Covid-19: Brazil’s Telemedicine Act (Law #13,989/2020) and CFM’s Digital Platform

Special regulation in force during Covid-19 public health emergency Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the regulatory process of telemedicine in Brazil. On Monday, March 31st, Brazilian National Congress approved Bill #696/2020 that allows the use of telemedicine during the coronavirus’ public health emergency declaration and sent it to presidential sanction. President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the Telemedicine […]

LGPD enforceability is postponed to May 3, 2021

The postponement was provided by a Provisional Measure issued by the Brazilian President, which needs to be converted into law by the National Congress On April 29, 2020 President Bolsonaro issued Provisional Measure # 959, according to which Brazilian Data Protection Act (“LGPD”) will only enter into force on May 3, 2021 and no longer […]