
Year: 2020

ANPD’s Board of Directors appointed

President Bolsonaro appoints five Directors to govern the new ANPD ‍ On October 15, 2020, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro appointed five directors to the new Board of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). The nominees are: WALDEMAR GONÇALVES ORTUNHO JUNIORChairman of the Board Mandate: 6 years Background: Colonel in the Brazilian Army, Chairman of Telebras […]

BRPTO deadlines between September 16 and September 25, 2020, are suspended due to system failure

(Federal Register of September 25, 2020) ‍ All BRPTO deadlines falling between September 16 and September 25, 2020, have been suspended because its e-filing and searching systems were unavailable during this period. The BRPTO published on September 25, 2020, in the Brazilian Federal Register #185, Ordinance #334/2020, suspending all BRPTO’s deadlines due to problems with […]

BRPTO system crashes! Deadlines are postponed until the system is restored

(BRPTO website communication from September 16, 2020) ‍ As it did in August 2018, the BRPTO has experienced another system crash. All e-filing and searching tools have been unavailable since last Wednesday, September 16. The BRPTO has issued a notice on its website informing users about the problem with the system and announcing that all […]

Brazilian Data Protection Act comes into force

President Bolsonaro sanctions Law 14.058/20 without postponing the Data Protection Act ‍ On September 18, 2020, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro enacted Provisional Measure #959/20 into Law 14.058/20. In its initial version, Provisional Measure #959/20 proposed postponing the enforcement of the Brazilian Data Protection Act (“LGPD”) until May 3rd, 2021. However, Brazil’s Congress rejected this postponement. […]

IP Showcase! BRPTO launches a new program to promote IP assets

(BRPTO’s Gazette of September 15th, 2020) ‍ The BRPTO has launched a pilot project, referred to as an IP Showcase (Vitrine de PI), to facilitate the publication of information regarding industrial property assets available for commercial exploitation. The project was established by BRPTO Ordinance #331/2020 and published in its Official Gazette #2593 on September 15th, […]