
Year: 2017

Analise Advocacia 500 recognizes Licks Attorneys as one of the most admired law firms in Brazil

Licks Attorneys was recognized once again by Análise Advocacia 500 as one of the most admired law firms in Brazil. Otto Licks and Eduardo Hallak, partners of the firm, were also recognized by Analise Advocacia 500 as one of the most admired attorneys at law in Brazil.The Análise Advocacia 500 identifies who are the most […]

Patent allegedly covering Brazilian standard for caller ID (CLIP) declared null and void by Brazilian Federal Judge: Big victory for the telecom industry, operators and consumers.

Since 2003, the telecom industry in Brazil has been following the lawsuit filed by Ericsson challenging the validity of a Brazilian patent owned by a local non-practicing entity, which allegedly covered caller ID standards and all technologies implementing it in Brazil for fixed and mobile telephony. This week the 9th Federal Court of Rio de […]

Licks Attorneys recognized by Chambers Latin America 2018 for its Intellectual Property and Life Sciences practices.

Our partners, Otto Licks and Eduardo Hallak received high praise and were recognized for their talents and dedication to the client. Licks Attorneys is honored to receive such recognition from their peers and clients. The firm ́s values are at the core of how they operate and Licks ́always strives to set the standard and […]

Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE) has launched a new guide for search and seizure procedures

The investigative body (the General Superintendence) of the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE) has launched a general guide for civil search and seizure procedures relevant to the antitrust policy.The document, named “Diligence of Civil Search and Seizure: general information onoperationalization”, is divided into four topics correspondent to the main phases of this type of operation: (i) […]

The online platform of the National System for the Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge – SisGen is now available

The long awaited system in the area of traditional knowledge – the National System for the Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge – SisGen -, was finally launched on November 06, 2017, according to the Ordinance SECEX/CGEN #1 of October 03, 2017.The SisGen was set forth in article 5 of Decree #8.772/2015. This […]