
Year: 2015

Rodrigo Souto Maior and Eduardo Hallak to attend the AIPLA 2015 Spring Meeting

Rodrigo Souto Maior and Eduardo Hallak, partners at Licks Attorneys, will attend the AIPLA 2015 Spring Meeting. The meeting will discuss relevant and diverse topics such as Service Marks in the Media and Entertainment Industries; Best Practices for Protecting Your Trade Secrets in Emerging Markets and Building a Workforce Culture of Data Security in the […]

Carlos Aboim, partner at Licks Attorneys, will speak at the Fordham IP Conference 2015

Carlos Aboim, partner at Licks Attorneys, will present at Fordham IP Conference 2015 held n the traditional Cambridge University, in England, on 8-9 April, 2015. The event will bring cutting-edge discussion of the hottest IP topics. Carlos was invited to talk in the Global Patent Developments session on April 8. He will also be a […]

Otto Licks will attend Mock Trials hosted by Quinn Emanuel in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo

Otto Licks, partner at Licks Attorneys, will attend the Mock Trial events entitled “Demystifying the US Jury Trial”. They will give attendees a first-person experience of a US jury trial and provide them with the practical knowledge to understand the process. In half a day, the audience will experience a complete trial — there will […]

Hon. Liliane Roriz will be the co-coordinator of the Advanced Course of International Treaties.

Hon. Liliane Roriz, partner of Licks Attorneys and former Federal Judge, will be co-coordinating the “Curso Avançado de Tratados Internacionais” (advanced course of international treaties), promoted by the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property Agents -ABAPI. The course will take place in Rio de Janeiro from March 30 to June 17. Otto Licks and Rodrigo Souto Maior, partners of the […]

Otto Licks will attend the 2015 Nordic IPR Summit in Stockholm

Otto Licks, partner at Licks Attorneys, will attend the 2015 Nordic IPR Summit, which will be held at The Brewery Conference Centre in Stockholm, Sweden on March 24-26, 2015.Additional information can be found here.