
Year: 2015

Otto Licks to speak about the IP System in Brazil on a BRIC Countries Panel

Otto Licks, founding partner of Licks Attorneys, will be a co-panelist for a discussion entitled “Strategies for Successfully Mastering the Different Challenges of the IP Systems in the BRIC Countries and U.S. in the Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Sectors”. The Brazil topic will cover Litigation trends in pharma to secure market exclusivity, Opportunities in litigation […]

Otto Licks and Roberto Rodrigues to attend the 3rd Annual IBA World Life Sciences Conference in Philadelphia

Otto Licks and Roberto Rodrigues, respectively, founding partner and associate at Licks Attorneys, will be attending the 3rd Annual IBA World Life Sciences Conference. The conference, whose previous edition was attended by nearly 100 delegates from 29 countries, will discuss the latest issues on International life sciences litigation, as well as, Emerging life sciences business […]

Andre Venturini and Elvira Andrade to speak at the Ambassador’s Roundtable on Innovation in Brasilia

Andre Venturini, Head of Patent Prosecution, and Elvira Andrade, former BRPTO Examiner and patent specialist at Licks Attorneys, will participate in a panel entitled “Patenting of Computer Implemented Inventions” at the Ambassador’s Roundtable on Innovation. Andre will moderate the panel and Elvira will speak about “INPI Proposed Rules in Brazil”. The event, promoted by the […]

Tatiana Machado to attend Harvard’s Mediating Disputes Course

Tatiana Machado, associate at Licks Attorneys, will attend the prestigious Harvard’s Mediating Disputes Course at the Harvard Law School campus, from June 1-5, 2015.The course will promote lectures, interactive discussions, and mediation simulations.

Otto Licks and Andre Venturini to attend Porsche’s Patent Prosecution Conference

Otto Licks and Andre Venturini, respectively partner and head of Patent prosecution at Licks Attorneys, will attend Porsche’s Patent Prosecution Conference.The One Day Conference is dedicated exclusively to the Porsche portfolio and will take place in Leipzig, Germany on May 12, 2015.