
Year: 2015

New head of the Brazilian Food and Drug Agency appointed by Dilma Roussef

As published in the Official Register on July 21, 2015, the Brazilian President, Ms. Dilma Roussef, has appointed Mr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Junior as the new Head of the Brazilian Food and Drug Agency (“National Sanitary Surveillance Agency – ANVISA”), for a 3-year term. Mr. Barbosa’s nomination has already been approved by the Brazilian […]

IP Specialized Courts have jurisdiction to award damages in invalidity lawsuits

On June 23, the Second Specialized Panel of the Federal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued an important decision affirming that the Federal Courts’ have jurisdiction to award damages in lawsuits seeking the invalidity of trademarks.Contrary to the position taken by the Federal District Court, the appellate judges found that the Federal Court […]

Contracts to be included in BRPTO’s Electronic Filing Platform

As previously discussed in Prevail, in the past years the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) has taken significant steps towards the creation of a digital environment. As a result, it is currently possible to file patents, trademarks and industrial designs applications by electronic means. The implementation of these new systems for filing were part […]

Roberto Carapeto to lecture at the 8th Kaichi-zai Seminar in New York

Roberto Carapeto, associate at Licks Attorneys, will lecture in Japanese during the 8th Kaichi-zai Seminar at JETRO-USA in New York. Roberto will speak from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM about the Brazilian and the Latin American intellectual property circumstances.The one-day Seminar is held at Nippon Club Restaurant (145 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019) […]

Otto Licks to speak at the 2015 ABA Annual Meeting Chicago

Otto Licks, partner of Licks Attorneys, will speak on a panel entitled: “International Patent Litigation Strategy – Points of Distinction” during the 2015 ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago. Panelists from several countries will explore the differences in Patent Prosecution concerning Grace Periods, Accelerating Examination and Post Grant Remedial Processes in the Patent Office, amongst other […]