
Year: 2015

Civil Procedure Code ready to enter in force

After almost 5 years being discussed in Congress, the new Brazilian Civil Procedure Code (“CPC”) was finally approved. The final text was accepted on December 17, 2014 and the Bill is waiting for presidential sanction. The new Code will enter in force one year after such authorization is published in the Official Gazette. It will […]

Brazilian PTO compelled to satisfactorily ground its decisions

The 13th Federal District Court of Rio de Janeiro, specialized in IP cases, has recently compelled the PTO to reanalyze 22 decisions denying trademark applications since it did not present the satisfactory grounds of such decisions.The PTO had dismissed the applications merely stating that they had to be rejected despite a coexistence agreement reached between […]


We are pleased to introduce “Prevail”, Licks Attorneys monthly newsletter. This is a collaborative effort from our team to provide significant news and information on leading cases in our main practice areas: litigation, prosecution and counseling on Intellectual Property, Food & Drug and Antitrust Law.We are proud of the quality of our specialized practice and […]

Ricardo Nunes and Roberto Rodrigues to attend event at George Mason University School of Law

Ricardo Nunes, partner at Licks Attorneys, and Roberto Rodrigues, associate at Licks Attorneys will attend the CPIP 2015 Fall Conference entitled “The IP Platform: Supporting Invention & Inspiration”.The 2015 edition of the event, hosted by the George Mason University School of Law, will discuss Intellectual Property Law in the Biotech & Pharmaceutical industries, innovation in […]

Otto Licks will speak at the Naples Midwinter Patent Law Experts Conference

Otto Licks, partner at Licks Attorneys, will speak at the Naples Midwinter Patent Law Experts Conference, which takes place in Florida, USA, 9-10 February, 2015. He will speak on International Comparative Expertise, along with renowned names of the patent area worldwide.Additional information can be found at http://www.uakron.edu/law/ip/naples-midwinter.dot