
Year: 2015

Eduardo Hallak will take part in the panel discussion at the 77th Meeting of EMERJ’s Pemanent Forum on Corporate Law

Eduardo Hallak, partner at Licks Attorneys, will take part in the panel discussion at the 77th Meeting of the Pemanent Forum on Corporate Law, entitled “Trademarks, Consumer and Association”.The event, promoted by EMERJ, will be held at the lecture hall Desembargador Joaquim Antônio Vizeu Penalva Santos on March 11, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 12 […]

Oil & gas: Are patents the light at the end of the Pre-Salt tunnel?

by André VenturiniAlexandre Tombini, President of the Brazilian Central Bank, has recently announced that the latest drop to USD 55 in oil barrel prices will have a positive impact of up to USD 10 billion in 2015 Brazil’s balance of trade. Forced by the slow pace in world’s economy, the ongoing changes in the US […]

New list of Strategic Products for the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)

On December 31, 2014, the Ministry of Health (MoH) issued the Annual List of Strategic Products for SUS (Ordinance No. 2.888), presenting the products that are eligible for being subject to public-private partnerships for the productive development (PDP).The PDPs result from the Federal Government’s effort to establish a pharmaceutical technology transfer program, seeking to decrease […]

Federal IP Court overrides Brazilian PTO’s illegal resolution

The 25th Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro has recently decided a class action filed by the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI), ruling against the PTO. The matter in controversy is article 13 of a PTO’s Resolution from 2013, which determines that patent or patent applications shall be shelved or terminated whenever more […]

Copyright cases are now decided by Rio de Janeiro Business Courts

According to the current Rio de Janeiro Judiciary Organization Code (CODJERJ), which is in force since January 14, new copyright lawsuits will be decided by judges from business courts, in charge of deciding trademarks, patents and bankruptcy.The business courts have now exclusive statutory authority to decide copyright lawsuits, which before the new Code were decided […]