
Year: 2015

New rules for cosmetics to accelerate their launch in the Brazilian market

The Brazilian Food and Drug Administration (ANVISA) has recently modified the rules concerning the technical requirements for marketing approval of cosmetics, personal care products and perfumes (Resolution RDC #07/2015, published on February 11, 2015). In accordance with the new Resolution, only products classified as tanners, straightening products, sunscreen, insect repellent, antiseptic hand gel and children´s […]

IP litigation before Federal district Courts of Rio de Janeiro

Most lawsuits against the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) are filed before the federal district courts in Rio de Janeiro, where the Office is headquartered and four courts specialized in IP law are in charge of handling such cases. So far this year, at least 46 lawsuits regarding intellectual property rights were filed against […]

BRPTO releases report of activities for 2014

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office has recently published its 2014 activities report. According to the disclosed numbers, patent examination output was 40% higher when compared to 2013. Nonetheless, the backlog increased 6% in 2014 –which is still better than the 11% growth rate seen in 2013. The good news is that the office will […]

The Brazilian sector of cosmetics, personal care products and perfumes becomes more dynamic with the implementation of a new regulation

The Brazilian Food and Drug Administration (ANVISA) published on the Official Gazette of February 11, 2015, Resolution RDC #07/2015, which updates the rules concerning the technical requirements for the regularization of cosmetic and personal care products, as well as perfumes. This new resolution is the result of discussions occurred during the meeting of the Collegiate […]

Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys, will participate in a panel discussion at International Women’s Leadership Forum

Liliane Roriz, partner at Licks Attorneys, will participate in a panel discussion entitled “Strategies for IP Litigation” during the International Women’s Leadership Forum held London, UK, on February 24, 2015.Additional information at: http://www.managingip.com/stub.aspx?stubid=28136